Helping Families Thrive: Making Mental Health Care Work in Primary Care Practice

Cooper Psychiatry and Behavioral Health presents the second installment in its quarterly speaker series. Physicians and providers are invited to join us for dinner and learn how to incorporate pediatric mental health assessment and treatment into your practice, and how to expand your capacity to provide skillful, prompt, and compassionate care for your patients with mental health conditions.

The session features David L. Kaye, MD, Executive Director of Project Teach in New York, and pediatrician Maureen Montgomery, MD. Project Teach assists pediatric clinicians in treating patients with mental health concerns by providing consultations, referrals, trainings, and CME. Additional information about Project Teach is available here.

November 9, 2023

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

In person or via Webex

A catered dinner will be provided. Attendees will be eligible for CME credits.

For more information or to register, click here.