July 2023 Daisy Award Winner – Alivia Siedlecki, BSN, RN

Alivia Siedlecki, BSN, RN, a night shift staff nurse from Cooper’s Critical Care Unit, was the Daisy Award winner for July 2023. Alivia’s dedication to Cooper Nursing and the extraordinary care she provided to our Cooper patients earned her the following accolades:

“While caring for a father of two girls (ages 16 and 22), the patient rapidly decompensated, ultimately switching to comfort care. As the patient passed away, the daughters asked her to pray with them. Without hesitation, she grabbed their hands and prayed. After the patient passed away, the youngest daughter asked for a hug. Again, without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around the girl. The daughter let out blood curdling screams and sobbed on her shoulder. As the girls were saying their final goodbyes before leaving, the youngest broke down as she exited her father’s room. She collapsed to the floor in the hallways and sobbed. Yet again, without hesitation, [Alivia] knelt on the ground and embraced her until she was calm, as the family made their way towards the elevators, the girls turned around one last time to hug her. Her compassion, empathy, and professionalism is the epitome of what it means to be a Cooper Nurse.”