Goodbye Webex – Hello Teams

Good news. We are moving to a single online collaboration platform. As part of our Microsoft 365 project, Cooper is moving from Webex meetings to Microsoft Teams meetings.

Before December 15, 2023, you must convert all Webex meetings to Microsoft Teams meetings. This conversion will not happen automatically. As a meeting owner, you must convert your Webex meetings.

If you are the host of an existing Webex meeting and need help converting it to Microsoft Teams, click hereIf you fail to convert your Webex meetings by December 15, 2023, those meetings will be canceled and will no longer appear on your calendar.

Cooper’s on-site conference rooms are also being upgraded as part of this transition to include in-room control panels with a Microsoft Teams button that will allow you to easily join your meeting. To learn more about this feature, click here.

Cooper IT is committed to assisting you to make this a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please reach out to IT using ServiceNow Request. Microsoft Teams resources are always available here.

Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes.