How to Receive W-2 Forms Electronically

The Payroll Department will be offering the option to receive W-2 forms electronically again this year instead of by standard mail. Participating team members will have the option to view and print W-2 forms online while on the Cooper Network. If you have previously elected to receive your W-2 electronically, no further action is required.

If you chose not to receive your W-2 electronically, you should log into iCooper Employee Self-Service and verify that your home address is correct. In iCooper Employee Self-Service, go to “My Profile,” click the “Personal” tab, then check the “Address” section. Double-click your address to make any changes.

Program highlights:

  • Enrollment is optional and team members can revoke authorization at any time.
  • W-2 forms from prior years are also available.
  • When your electronic W-2 for 2023 is available, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download it.
  • The IRS WILL accept your printed W-2.
  • If you printed your W-2 forms last year, then you’re all set for the new year.
  • If you wish to receive a paper W-2, under “My Delivery Settings” click “W-2” and change the “Authorized” selection from “Yes” to “No” to revoke your authorization for Electronic W-2.

Instructions for enrolling in electronic W-2 forms:

  • Log into iCooper Employee Self Service, which can be found on Pulse under frequently used links.
  • Click “My Pay.”
  • Click on the “Electronic W-2” tab and then the “Electronic W-2” link.
  • Enter your Cooper username and password.
  • In the left panel, click “Authorization Required.”
  • Click “Print Test.”
  • Click the blue link titled “Tax Document in PDF format” to open a sample W-2 in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Print the file from Adobe Acrobat and close the sample document screen once printed successfully.
  • Click the “Yes” button to indicate that the sample printed successfully.
  • Click “I agree” once you have completed the test.
  • Confirm that your correct work/office email address is displayed. A secondary email address is optional.
  • Review the disclosure in the “My Delivery Settings – Tax Document – Authorization” screen. Under Authorization Started, select “Yes.”
  • Click the “Submit” button to complete enrollment and return to the Electronic W-2 home page.
  • Under View My Documents, you will now have access to “My W-2.”
  • Once completed, click “Log Out” in the left panel.

Instructions for viewing and printing Electronic W-2 forms:

  • Once authorized, under “View My Documents” you will now have access to “My W-2.”
  • Click “My W-2.”
  • Each available tax year will be displayed. Click the magnifying glass to the right to view that year.
  • You can save or print the W-2 form from here. (Please note where you are saving or printing the file to.)
  • Once completed, click “Log Out” in the left panel.

Please Note:

  • Electronic W-2s are only available when you are on the Cooper network.
  • Once opted into the Electronic W-2 program, printing of W-2 forms is the employee’s responsibility. Please make sure that you are printing to a printer location that you are familiar with and where you are able to pick up your printed W-2 in a timely matter.

If you have any questions, please contact the Payroll Department at or call 856.382.6559.