May is National Speech Language Hearing Month

Each May, National Speech Language Hearing Month provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and the role of ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association) members in providing life-altering treatment.

Millions of Americans have communication disorders. They include approximately 2 million who have aphasia, more than 3 million who stutter, and approximately 38 million who have some trouble hearing. Although these disorders can make communication more challenging, they do not reflect a person’s intelligence. Many people develop or acquire problems in adulthood for a variety of reasons—including stroke, brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, and/or as part of aging.

At Cooper, Speech Therapists work closely with their patients and their families to understand their specific needs and goals. They can then tailor their approach to ensure the patient receives the most appropriate treatment and support.

We recognize the work of our Speech Therapy team members for supporting and advocating for their patients each day. Join us in thanking them today, and every day.

Pictured are Cooper Speech Therapists, left to right: Amanda Monaco, Rebecca Ritsick, Sarah Clark, Deanna Cuozzo, Samatha Wong, Kelly Downs, Elizabeth Brophy, Jennifer Niles, and Amy Yellis.