Transition to Cybersecurity Micro-Learnings for Improved Security Awareness

As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding patient information and maintaining the integrity of our health care services, we are transitioning to a new approach in our cybersecurity training program. Recognizing the dynamic nature of cyber threats in the health care sector, we are adopting micro-learnings for cybersecurity training. This approach will help us to respond a more agile manner to emerging threats and ensure that all team members are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to protect our organization and our patients.

  • Micro-learnings offer concise, specific insights into various cybersecurity topics, allowing you to quickly understand and apply security best practices in your daily work.
  • This format respects your busy schedules, providing critical training in small, manageable segments that can be completed between patient appointments or during short breaks.
  • The health care cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving. Micro-learnings facilitate rapid dissemination of information on the latest threats and defense mechanisms.

Our aim with transitioning to cybersecurity micro-learnings is not just about compliance or avoiding penalties; it’s about fostering a culture of security awareness and vigilance that can significantly reduce the risk of cyber incidents in our organization. By staying informed and vigilant, we can collectively protect our patients’ sensitive information and ensure the continuity of our healthcare services.

To locate the micro-learnings in the Cooper Learning Network (CLN), please log into CLN and type “cybersecurity” into the search bar.

Thank you for your commitment to our patients’ safety and the security of our health care systems.