Tips for Staying Cyber Safe This Summer

Protect your laptop, smartphone or other portable devices when traveling. Just as your wallet contains lots of important and personal information that you wouldn’t want to lose, so, too, do your portable devices. Don’t let them out of your sight! Never store your laptop as checked luggage. If there is a room safe available at your hotel, use it to securely store your devices. Also, make sure you have strong passwords, such as Lbisfa!ling, on these devices in case they are lost or stolen.

Be aware that public computers and public wireless access are not secure. Cyber criminals can potentially access any information you provide, such as credit card numbers, confidential information or passwords. Don’t conduct any sensitive transactions at the local free Wi-Fi site.

Save the vacation posts ’til you get back. It may be tempting to post details of where and when you’ll be traveling. Don’t. By revealing such specifics, you are providing information that could be used by criminals to break into your house while you’re gone. Another common scam involves using compromised email accounts to contact the victim’s friends or family with requests for help, claiming that the person was robbed in a foreign country while on vacation and needs money.

For more information, please contact Phil Curran, Chief Information Security and Privacy Officer, at 856.536.1317 or at

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