Meet Cooper Collaborative Care Team

The Cooper Collaborative Care (CCC) team will be outside the hospital cafeteria, Cooper Court, on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with program information and eligibility criteria.

CCC is the program resulting from the Employee-Centered Medical Home pilot project. It offers primary health care for members of the Cooper health plan who have two or more complex, chronic medical conditions that will last for more than 12 months that, if not treated, could cause many hospital stays and/or may increase the risk of death.

The goal of CCC is to provide patients with a team-based approach to health care that promotes care coordination, intensive outreach and follow-up services that result in positive quality and health outcomes.

By providing enhanced care at lower costs, the model has demonstrated a significant ability to impact patients, while also influencing Cooper to adopt innovative patient care strategies.

Benefits of enrollment include:
• 24/7 direct access to a member of the CCC care team.
• Same-day or next-day appointments.
• Home visits for those who qualify.
• Designated care coordinator and care team to help develop a care plan that will help you meet your goals.
• Financial incentives for Cooper health plan members.
 Reduction in bimonthly premium.
 $0 copay for CCC doctor and specialist visits.
 $0 copay for medications.

Visit for additional information.

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