Improvement to Travel Expense Process

In response to a number of requests, we have improved the Travel Expense process as well as the Employee Reimbursement Forms. The new process will make it easier for you to file and manage travel expenses.

The new process only requires you to send in your receipts for travel and lodging. You no longer have to send a copy of your credit card statement.

Additionally, you will now be able to add a note to identify the travel or event for which you are seeking reimbursement and the note will be included on the check you receive. This will allow you to manage your expenses easier.

The form section highlighted below in yellow will allow you to make a 22-character notation. Your reimbursement check will include the notation you enter on the form.

Please remember that our Corporate Travel Policy requires you to submit for travel reimbursement within 30 days from their date of return or from the date of the expense. This policy will be strictly enforced so make sure to file for reimbursement in a timely manner.