August Employee of the Month

Congratulations to Brittney Carosia, Medical Assistant, Internal Medicine office in Clementon, NJ, on her nomination for the August Employee of the Month!

Read some of the compliments Brittney received from her fellow coworkers:

“Brittney has worked with me in our family practice office for the last two years. She is by far one of the most well-liked office staff I have ever encountered. The reason why is simple — she shows she cares about our patients. She knows everyone by their first name, knows their family/children’s names, and is genuinely interested in the patient. Many times patients remark to me how much they love Brittney. She is smart, conscientious, personable, and respectful. She certainly deserves this recognition.”

“It is not unusual to have Brittney call a patient who recently lost a loved one to see how they are doing. It’s also not unusual for her to call someone who is recently out of the hospital just to see how they are doing. She does this 100 percent on her own. In the past 35 years of family practice, I have obviously worked with many office staff. I can tell you that Brittney Carosia is exceptional – she is a caring, compassionate human being that is truly a credit and asset to my office and Cooper.”