Epic 2017 Upgrade – Build Freeze

Epic 2017 Upgrade – Build Freeze

A freeze of changes to Epic will be implemented from October 2 until post go-live stabilization, estimated at November 24, 2017.

Why do we have a build freeze?

The build freeze reduces the risk of negative impact to our Epic 2017 Upgrade from other system changes. The freeze starts when we begin User Acceptance Testing to ensure that users sign off on a system that mirrors what you will see in production.

What will occur?

Starting October 2, 2017, new requests for changes to Epic will be queued for prioritization after the upgrade stabilization period. Go-lives for in process changes will be deferred until after the freeze period. Exceptions for true emergencies, urgent maintenance, and upgrade-related changes are possible up until November 6, 2017. Any changes after this date will jeopardize the Epic Upgrade go-live.

These items are considered urgent maintenance activities and can continue until November 6, 2017:

  1. User security creation and updates
  2. Ongoing lab maintenance
  3. Beacon protocols
  4. Medication updates
  5. Identified issues related to month end
  6. Required OR items for procedures occurring during this time (procedures, supplies, instruments, etc.)

Please continue to look for additional information about this project in the upcoming Weekly Rounds issues.