Cooper Receives Accreditation From College of American Pathologists

The Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) has awarded accreditation to Cooper University Health Care’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Services, Camden, New Jersey. CAP made its award based on results of recent on-site inspections at Cooper in October and November.

Cooper’s director, Charlene Bierl, MD, PhD, was advised of this national recognition and congratulated for the excellence of the services being provided. Cooper University Health Care Laboratory is one of more than 7,700 CAP-accredited facilities worldwide.

The U.S. federal government recognizes the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program, begun in the early 1960s, as being equal-to or more-stringent-than the government’s own inspection program.

During the CAP accreditation process, which is designed to ensure the highest standard of care for all laboratory patients, inspectors examine the laboratory’s records and quality control of procedures for the preceding two years. CAP inspectors also examine laboratory staff qualifications, equipment, facilities, safety program and record, and overall management.

Concurrent with the CAP inspection, the Blood Bank was thoroughly reviewed by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and also received accreditation.

Congratulations to the Cooper laboratory staff for their hard work in striving for excellence for Cooper’s patients!