Quality and Patient Safety Awards – and the Winners Are …

We are pleased to announce the 2018 winners of Cooper’s Quality and Patient Safety Awards, which recognize innovative efforts geared toward improving care and creating a safe environment for patients and staff. This year’s teams exhibited tremendous leadership, teamwork, and innovation in their respective improvement initiatives.

The winners were selected by a committee of Cooper employees. The programs were evaluated on a number of metrics, including high-quality clinical outcomes achieved, improved patient safety, sustainability, and measurable results.

Congratulations to the following winners:

  • Operational Award:
    Medication Safety Committee Subgroup
  • Quality & Patient Safety Award:
    Radiation Oncology Surface Imaging System Team
  • Honorable Mention Quality & Patient Safety Award:
    Atrial Fibrillation QI Team

Thank you to everyone who submitted entries. There were many outstanding nominations, all demonstrating Cooper’s commitment to quality and safety.

Winners will be notified about an upcoming awards luncheon.