Schwartz Center Rounds: Gun Violence and Gun Violence Prevention

In this interactive session on gun violence and gun violence prevention, leaders from South Jersey Moms Demand Action for Sensible Gun Laws will introduce a local gun violence survivor who will share her story.

All employees are invited to attend:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Promptly: Noon to 1 p.m.
(Lunch will be available at 11:45 a.m.)
Conference Center 121
Cooper University Hospital

Gun Violence and Gun Violence Prevention – Told in Story Form 

Cathie McGeehan, RN, MSN
Barb Maronski, MSW, LSW
Shani Nuckols

Physician Champion:
John M. Porter, MD
Head, Division of Trauma Surgery
Director, Center for Trauma Services

Siani Jordan

Participants have given excellent ratings to the Schwartz Center Rounds.