Breast Cancer Lunch Lecture October 16, 2015

MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper is presenting a free Lunch Lecture on Breast Cancer. A pizza lunch will be provided. All employees are welcome but we ask that you register in advance to ensure there is adequate seating and lunch for all participants.… Read more.

October Is National Physical Therapy Month

pt monthCooper physical therapists treat more than 1,200 patients a month in the hospital alone and 1,500 on an outpatient basis.

The vision of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.”… Read more.

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Employees are invited to attend a free Emotional Intelligence Workshop on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, presented by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The workshop will teach you how to take control of your emotions and use them to your advantage.… Read more.

Join Team Cooper to Fight Type 1 Diabetes

diabetes walkRepresentatives from Cooper will be walking in the South Jersey JDRF One WalkTM on Sunday, October 25, 2015, at Campbell’s Field in Camden. To register visit

Participants receive a free team T-shirt.

Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a life-threatening autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin.… Read more.

Charge Nurse Workshop

If it is time to take charge on your unit, this workshop will give the staff nurse tools necessary to be successful in the role. Topics discussed include assignment planning, patient flow, motivating staff, conflict resolution and more.… Read more.

New Voluntary Employee Benefit Plans

Cooper is introducing three new voluntary benefit plans through Winston Benefits: Universal Life, Accident and Critical Illness. Click here for additional information

This is a Pre-Open Enrollment offering. Representatives from Winston will be on site in the hospital at the following times.… Read more.

Direct Meds Retail Pharmacy Opening in Roberts Pavilion

direct medDirect Meds is a new full-service pharmacy that will open on Monday, October 26, 2015, in the Roberts Pavilion. Direct Meds offers prompt prescription service and free delivery service directly to the patient’s home, and will also be available for patients seen in the emergency department, visitors and Cooper employees.… Read more.

Employees Must Complete Mandatory Annual Compliance, HIPAA and Information Assurance Education by December 13, 2015

As an organization, Cooper is entrusted with the highest levels of responsibility—for our patients’ lives and safety, our community’s health and the proper use of taxpayer funds. To fulfill this trust, Cooper is obligated to comply with laws and regulations aimed at ensuring that health care organizations exercise the highest standards of care and integrity in meeting their responsibilities.… Read more.

It’s How to Say It Workshop

Employees are invited to attend a free It’s How to Say It Workshop on Monday, October 19, 2015, presented by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This workshop will teach attendees how to use empathetic vs. reactive interactions, constructive criticism, active listening and proven methods for smooth communications.… Read more.