Medical students from Temple have compiled a list of preprofessional health students in the Greater Philadelphia area who are willing to home-school children of these healthcare providers for free via web streaming services (i.e. Zoom) in different subjects and for …
The Resiliency Resource Team was created earlier last week in response to help with our Provider distress. It is led by Dr. Anthony Rostain, Kelly Gilrain, Phil Fizur, Paula Watson and Eileen Campbell. There are 10 Cooper clinicians (psychologists, psychiatrists, …
Now more than ever, we want to recognize and celebrate you as our friends and colleagues. With many of you working the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and caring for our patients in these unprecedented times, you have been …
This is a very stressful time for people and clinicians will have a hard time winding down from the demands of the day. There is now a free subscription through 2020 for all healthcare providers. You can sign up online …
Some medical students at Jefferson are compiling a list of available students and are matching them up with healthcare providers who need childcare. They can’t promise you’ll be matched up, but at least it’s an additional option that may help …
Here is Raquel Nahra’s updated protocol for triaging a potential coronavirus patient along with a presentation on some key components of the infection and evolving treatment. Novel Coronavirus Nahra and Fraimow for Crit care 3.10.20 critical care …
Happy National Hospitalist Day! Today we recognize the contributions of more than 60,000 hospitalists nationwide. Hospital medicine is one of the fastest-growing specialties in modern medicine and those at Cooper support a thriving practice. …
Raquel Nahra has developed a helpful algorithm to guide decision making. algorithm PUI Leilani Lee, the division head of internal medicine, put together resources for her group including a webinar from ACP. Information for Clinicians CDC- Evaluating and reporting …
Keep yourself safe!! Here is Personal Protective Equipment information: Ensure a procedural surgical mask is placed on the suspected Covid-19 patient The patient should be placed on Contact and Airborne Precautions Anyone entering the room must wear gloves, a gown, …
The first case of probable coronavirus was identified in a 32 year old male in Bergen County. The presumptive positive result from the state Department of Health will be sent to the CDC for confirmatory testing. The NJ Dept of …