Dear colleagues,
There have been many concerns about physician wellbeing and stress. The next couple weeks will be very busy till the Omicron variant passes. Please listen to the 5 at 5 tomorrow night for updates from our administration.
We are working on additional resources but here are some of Cooper’s existing wellness resources:
- CUH wellness website:
- You can navigate to the website to Well-Being Services to find current resources that include:
Compassion & Resiliency Experience (C.A.R.E.) Program (
- Team resiliency groups
- Process groups (request needs to be made)
- Physician, APP, RN Peer Supports
- Carebridge:
- Variety of resources (including individual therapy) using the member website:
- First time users should register with Cooper’s access code: WBPNF
- Also Carebridge has a new online support website. Your Dashboard ( To utilize, you need to set up your Carebridge accounts. Directions are on the website.
Please know that we are always working to provide you with more support and find creative ways to help you through. Feel free to email with any suggestions or thoughts.
GME Wellness Committee
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