Dear colleagues,
National Walking Day is every year on the first Wednesday in April. National Walking Day is exactly as it sounds – a day to celebrate the easiest way to be the healthiest version of you. Walking for thirty to sixty minutes per day may sound out of reach but start by taking the stairs in the hospital and in the parking garage. Taking public transit is a great way to get your steps in too!
- 3.1 miles per hour — the average walking speed of a human.
- 500 miles — the walking duration a pair of tennis shoes lasts for.
- 50% — the percentage of Americans who exercise regularly.
- 6,000 — the number of steps a day that improves overall health.
- 65,000 miles — the distance a person walks in their lifetime.
- 10 miles — the distance it would take to walk every week to end 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every year.
- 20 minutes — the number of extra minutes of walking it would take to burn seven pounds of body fat per year.
- 2,000 steps — the number of steps that equal one mile.
- 60% — the percentage boost human creativity gets from walking.
- 15 minutes — the time it takes to curb sugar cravings by walking.
GME Wellness Committee
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