As 2012 draws to a close, the American Academy of Pediatrics named the top 12 children’s health stories of the year, based on the number of “shares” of its daily news brief stories. Do you remember these stories making headlines?
- AAP approves 2012 childhood, adolescent vaccine schedules
- Health benefits of circumcisions outweigh risks
- FDA: Partially hydrolyzed infant formulas are not hypoallergenic
- Consumer Reports urges limits on arsenic in rice
- Trampolines are intrinsically dangerous, says AAP
- New guidelines cover drug abuse screening, infant care
- “Mother’s kiss” effective for removing objects from children’s noses
- CDC: West Nile virus outbreak on track to be largest in U.S.
- AAP releases childhood flu vaccine recommendations
- AAP revises guidelines for childhood sleep apnea
- Pediatricians doubt effectiveness of sensory integration therapy
- AAP advocates screening for congenital heart disease