Cooper is offering a program to help veterans support their peers with the goal of teaching strategies and techniques for improved health and lifestyle.
During the Peer Leader Training, veterans learn how to coach skills such as managing pain and fatigue, better communication, making decision about treatments, and problem-solving.
Cooper is also offering classes for individuals aimed at helping them improve their health.
Courses are held at Cooper’s main campus in Camden and at Cooper’s Voorhees campus.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program – Peer Leader
You will learn techniques to manage frustration, stress, fatigue, and pain and other symptoms from your or others’ chronic condition. You also learn how to make better decisions to improve your health through problem solving, better communication, and motivational thinking. You will use these skills to mentor others and provide a workshop educating others on these techniques.
Peer Leader Time Commitment
- A full-day training 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. one day a week for four consecutive weeks. Meals provided.
- After being trained, must hold at least one 6-week workshop (with another Peer Leader). We will work with you to set you up with a Peer Leader and people to attend the workshop.
- Training material is scripted to guide you in providing this education to others.
Training Dates, Times and Locations
March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2016
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (breakfast 8:30 a.m.)
Cooper University Hospital
401 Haddon Avenue, E&R Building
Camden, NJ
Additional training dates will be available in late Spring 2016. Please contact Max Kursh at 856.382.6689 or for available dates and times.
Peer Leader Qualifications
Peer leader must have a chronic health condition or be a caregiver for someone with a chronic condition.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Workshop – Individual
You will learn techniques to manage frustration, stress, fatigue, and pain and other symptoms from your or other’s chronic condition. You also learn how to make better decisions to improve your health through problem solving, better communication, and motivational thinking.
General Course Time Commitment:
- A three-hour workshop once a week for six consecutive weeks
- Please plan to attend all six workshop days
- Meals provided. Self-help book and relaxation CDs provided
Workshops beginning in Spring 2016. Please contact Max Kursh at 856.382.6689 or for available dates and times.
Brief Action Planning Workshop – Peer Leader
You will learn conversation tools to help others develop plans to improve an aspect of their health. You guide them in creating an action plan to reach a specific short-term goal of choice. You offer your support to achieve desired goals and follow-up on progress. Overall, you are motivating others to take control of their health.
Time Commitment
- Four webinars (1-1.5 hours each) can be watched at any time prior to workshop
- Attend one 2-hour workshop at Cooper University Hospital in Camden
- 1 half-hour phone call with BAP instructor (at a convenient time) to assess understanding of learned material
- Following training, we will work with you to connect you to an individual that would benefit from your mentoring.
Multiple dates/times are available for the 2-hour in-person workshop. Please contact Max Kursh at 856.382.6689 or to schedule a convenient time.