Autism New Jersey, NJ Department of Health joined conversation on strategic collaboration, creating inclusive healthcare spaces, and removing barriers to care

Cooper physician Dr. Anthony Rostain (far fight) was among the presenters at the conference.
Cooper University Health Care, Bancroft, and Autism New Jersey, brought together more than 100 healthcare professionals from throughout the region on April 14 for a conference focused on improving the health care landscape for people with autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).
Funded by a grant from the New Jersey Department of Health, the half-day event spanned topics including integrated care

More than 100 healthcare professionals from throughout the region attended a conference focused on improving the healthcare landscape for people with autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
for people with disabilities; creating spaces for people with autism and I/DD; current gaps in medical care; and a panel discussion on overcoming barriers to care, featuring experts from Cooper, Bancroft, and Autism New Jersey, along with Paul Arohnson, New Jersey’s Ombudsman for people with disabilities.
The day’s keynote address came from Dr. Fred Volkmar, Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology at the Yale University Child Study Center, School of Medicine, who provided an overview of the general challenges facing people with autism and I/DD, along with current autism statistics, research and outcomes.