Nurse on Mother Infant Unit Named Nurse of the Year

Kelly Campbell, BSN, RN, of Mullica Hill, NJ, recipient of the 2023 William A. Schwartz, Jr. Nurse of the Year Award.
(CAMDEN, NJ) — Cooper University Health Care has named Kelly Campbell, BSN, RN, of Mullica Hill, NJ, as the recipient of the William A. Schwartz, Jr. Nurse of the Year Award. Campbell, who works in Cooper’s Mother Infant Unit, also received The Charlotte Tobiason Memorial Award for Excellence in Obstetrical Nursing as part of Cooper’s Annual Nursing Excellence Awards presented during National Nurses Week (May 6 to 12). The Nursing Excellence Awards recognize exceptional professional nurses and advanced practice nurses throughout the health system, as well as members of the collaborative care teams that support nursing.
The William A. Schwartz, Jr. Nurse of the Year Award is named in honor of the late Schwartz, a long-time member of Cooper’s Board of Trustees who committed a significant amount of his time and talents to Cooper. He was particularly passionate about Cooper’s nursing team and supporting them in their service to patients.
“As a nurse at Cooper since 1991, Kelly is a highly experienced and skilled member of our Mother-Infant team, providing compassionate care and support to the hundreds of new mothers and their babies who are born at Cooper each year,” said Kathy Devine, DrNP, RN, NEA-BC, senior vice president and chief nursing executive at Cooper. “Kelly is admired and respected by her fellow team members and patients and families alike.”

Cooper’s Kelemen 10 Medical/Surgical Unit was named 2023 Team of the Year.
Recognizing the importance of teamwork in health care, each year Cooper also honors an outstanding team in addition to the individual awards. In 2023, Cooper’s Kelemen 10 Medical/Surgical Unit was named Team of the Year.
“Our Kelemen 10 Medical/Surgical unit provides care to patients with diverse and complex medical and psychosocial needs. K10 team members are exceptionally collaborative and embrace innovative practices and initiatives that support exceptional patient care outcomes,” Dr. Devine said.
“Cooper’s reputation as a leading health care system for more than 135 years and recognition for its high level of patient safety is due in large part to the skill and commitment of our nursing team and the dedication they demonstrate every day,” said George E. Norcross III, chairman of the Cooper Board of Trustees. “Everyone at Cooper congratulates this year’s award winners and thanks all Cooper nurses for the significant contributions they make to Cooper and the community.”
“All of our nurses at Cooper provide compassionate and high-quality health care to every patient every day,” said Anthony J. Mazzarelli, MD, JD, MBE, co-CEO at Cooper. “This year’s Nursing Excellence Award winners have excelled in their patient-centered care, professionalism, teamwork, and excellence. They are role models to us all.”
“Cooper nurses are among the best in the nation. They can be found providing exceptional care and clinical expertise throughout the health system in every inpatient unit, clinical department, and ambulatory office,” said Kevin M. O’Dowd, JD, co-CEO at Cooper. “During National Nurses Week, please take the time to say ‘thank you’ to a nurse for all they do to serve others.”
All the award winners were nominated by their colleagues for their commitment to upholding the Cooper mission “to serve, to heal, to educate” and are supported by gifts from generous donors to The Cooper Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Cooper University Health Care.
“These awards are made possible by the kindness and generosity of our donors. Their gifts allow us to recognize Cooper’s outstanding nurses each year in a meaningful way,” said Philip A. Norcross, Esq., chairman of The Cooper Foundation Board of Trustees.
The complete list of 2022 Cooper Nursing Excellence Awards winners:
Kendra Blackshear, MSN, RN, AGACNP-BC, CCRN, Intensive Care Unit, received The William and Eileen Archer Award for Excellence in Critical Care Nursing.
Dean Bligh, BSN, RN, Clinical Decision Unit, received the Lori Osinski Rising Star Award.
Patty Budic, RN, CGRN, Cooper Digestive Health Institute, received the Lori Osinski Award for Excellence in Procedural Nursing.
Alyssa Burns, BSN, RN, Cooper Digestive Health Institute, received The Women’s Board of Cooper University Health Care Award for Excellence in Ambulatory Nursing.
Regina Callahan, BSN, RN, CPN, Pediatrics, received The Dr. Ronald Bernardin Memorial Award for Excellence in Pediatric Nursing.
Kelly Campbell, BSN, RN, Mother Infant Unit, received The Charlotte Tobiason Memorial Award for Excellence in Obstetrical Nursing.
Kyle Counsellor, BSN, RN, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, received The Franklin Morse Archer, Jr., and Mary Joy Reeve Archer Memorial Award for Excellence in Outpatient Oncology Nursing.
Brittany Leigh Cucunato, BSN, RN, Cardiac Cath Lab, received The Cooper Heart Institute and The Heart House Award for Excellence in Cardiovascular Nursing.
Melissa Cunningham, BSN, RN, Pavilion 7, received the Barbara and Jack Tarditi Award for Excellence in Nursing Mentorship.
Madison DiGioia-Ruiz, BSN, RN-BC, Kelemen 9, received The Selma and Martin Hirsch Award for Excellence in Medical Surgical Nursing.
Lauren Duffy, BSN, RN, Emergency Department, received The Lynn Nelson Award for Excellence in Emergency Nursing.
Beth Falkenstein, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, Emergency Department, received The Philip and Carole Norcross Award for Nurse Leadership #1.
Adina Farcas, BSN, RN, TCRN, Trauma Surgical ICU, received The Award for Excellence in Trauma Nursing.
Joe Halin, BSN, RN, Kelemen 9, received The Carol G. Tracey Compassion Award.
Sue Hoffman, BSN, RN, CCRN, TCRN, Kelemen 3N, received The Philip and Carole Norcross Award for Nurse Leadership #2.
Stacey Hogan, Patient Care Services, received The Barbara and Jack Tarditi Award for Excellence in Service (Non-Nursing).
Jamie Jefferson, BSN, RN, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, received The John Henry Kronenberger Memorial Award for Excellence in Neonatal Nursing.
Zofia Kapron, BSN, RN, Pavilion 5, received The Rose Smith and Sue Zamitis Memorial Award for Excellence in Inpatient Oncology Nursing.
Vivek Kulkarni, MD, MHS, EdM, FACC, Cardiology, received The Nursing Alumni Excellence Award for Nursing-Physician Partnership.
Chitra Lalwani, BSN, RN, Trauma Surgical Intensive Care Unit, received The Shaina Horton Memorial Award for Excellence in Service.
Patrick Matlack, MSN, RN, CNL, Clinical Education, received The Barbara and Jack Tarditi Award for Excellence in Nursing Research.
Laura McMaster, MSN, APN-c, ACNP, CCRN, TCRN, Trauma APN, received The Moorestown Auxiliary Award for Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing.
Erin Radomicki, BSN, RN, CNOR, Operating Room, received The Philip and Carole Norcross Award for Excellence in Perioperative Nursing.
Yolanda Smith, Pavilion 9, received The Women’s Board of Cooper Hospital Allied Health Professional Excellence Award (Non-Nursing).
Kelly Van, BSN, RN, Kelemen 10, received The Ruth Parry/Moorestown Auxiliary Award for Excellence in Geriatric Nursing.
Professional Development and Recognition Council, Professional Nursing Council, received The Lori Osinski Award for Excellence in Self Care and Wellness.
Kelemen 10 received the Team of the Year Award
Contact: Wendy A. Marano
Public Relations Manager
Office: 856.382.6463
Cell: 856.904.1688