Chef Jeff Shares Healthy Recipes

Women's Health & Environmental Network (WHEN) has released the Healthcare's Harvest: Seeding Sustainability in Hospital Kitchens recipe collection to coincide with National Nutrition Month. The kickoff event, held in October 2010, included demonstrations by hospital chefs demonstrating recipes utilizing sustainable, organic ingredients.

Employee Appreciation Day

Today is Employee Appreciation Day, a day to recognize the important contributions of the more than 5,000 dedicated individuals whose commitment and hard work has helped Cooper University Hospital become one of the region’s leading healthcare institutions.

Can Germ Buster Really Get Rid of Cold and Flu?

Rosalie Pepe, MD, Infectious Disease Specialist at Cooper, was featured on CBS3 discussing a new product called “GermBullet” which claims to guard against airborne germs and viruses. Dr. Pepe is skeptical to advise patients to use this product and believes the best way to prevent illness is by consistently washing your hands.