Playground Safety Week: Promoting Playground Safety Tips

Playground Safety Week Is April 24-28, 2017
Article by Shaun Rowe, PA
Cooper Bone and Joint Institute

The thaw of winter is giving way to the warmth of spring, and families throughout the Delaware Valley will exit their winter hibernation of indoor entertainment and escape to the great outdoors! Unfortunately, with outdoor fun come the occasional bumps and bruises. Before heading out to enjoy fun in the sun, take a quick peek at these helpful playground hints.

When at the playground, it is easy to see the smiles from atop the slides and even hear the laughter from the swing sets. What we don’t see, however, are lurking dangers that could present themselves if precaution isn’t taken.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 200,000 playground injuries occur in children under age 14. Children ages 5 to 9 had a higher incidence of Emergency Department visits than other age groups, with girls sustaining injuries slightly more often than boys (55 percent to 45 percent). Falls from equipment and around the playground are the most common, resulting in 75 percent of all injuries.

Adult supervision is key to preventing playground injuries. Active supervision is simply being alert and attentive, with the ability to anticipate and warn about potential hazards. Supervisors are there to be the first to assist in simple first aid. Direction should be given to children to deter from pushing, shoving, and/or roughhousing.

Proper equipment usage goes a long way in injury prevention. Children should slide feet-first down slides, never head-first or backwards. When using swings, children should stay seated and, when exiting, ensure the swing has stopped completely. Children should walk a safe distance from the swing to ensure they do not get struck by others swinging.

Lastly, proper attire helps impede injury. Parents should remove all necklaces, purses, backpacks, and scarves and stow them away from the play area.