Weekly Rounds: Submitting Your Articles for Publication and Meeting Your Deadline

Here are some guidelines to guarantee your articles being published in the Weekly Rounds issue of your choice:

  • Please submit your article by end of day on Wednesdays for publication on the following Tuesday.
  • All recognitions, events, seminars, workshops, and articles of interest for Cooper employees – including The Cooper Foundation, HR, CMSRU, and Cooper Solutions Center’s news – are always welcome!
  • You may submit your articles in advance – just specify the date when you would like to have it published.
  • Include links, photos (in JPG format), and any other attachments you may have for your article.
  • For all photos with non-Cooper people pictured, you must also submit signed consent forms for each non-Cooper person photographed. This is especially important for minors who are photographed. Click here for a blank photo-consent form.

Please forward all Weekly Rounds submissions to Diane Devenney, Weekly Rounds Editor, at devenney-diane@cooperhealth.edu.

Articles received after Wednesday will be published a week and a half later in the next issue of Weekly Rounds. For extenuating circumstances, if the article is sent after Wednesday for publication on Tuesday it will need to go through an approval process to be included in the current issue.