Cooper Has Joined the New Jersey High Reliability Organization Collaborative

Dear Cooper Team:

To further improve patient safety and satisfaction, Cooper has joined the New Jersey High Reliability Organization (HRO) Collaborative. High Reliability Organizations have a teamwork-based safety culture that is structured to ensure that inevitable human mistakes do not lead to patient harm. As patient safety is our top priority, we are committed to becoming an HRO.

To become an HRO, all Cooper employees and providers must complete an organization-wide training by the end of 2020. The New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) has developed a standardized, statewide, three-hour course to provide a foundation of basic patient safety principles and educate staff on best practices.

To learn more about HROs click here and here. To learn more about the New Jersey HRO Collaborative click here.

Classroom HRO training will begin on October 3, 2018, and continue through December 2020. You can schedule your training session by visiting the Cooper Learning Network and search for “High Reliability Organization (HRO) Staff and Physician Training.”

Our journey to become an HRO has already begun. We have instituted a number of patient safety best practices, including daily safety huddles by senior leadership and standardized reporting and review of safety events. Please help us prevent patient harm by entering all patient safety incidents into EARS, Cooper’s event reporting system, and sending any patient safety concerns or questions to

Thank you for cooperation as we strive to make Cooper the best place to be a patient, the best place to be an employee, and the best place to practice medicine.
