EGC: Supporting and Helping Our Littlest Patients!

A stay at the hospital can be a very scary experience, but thanks to our Child Life Program at the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper, we are able to provide support for patients and their families.

Give now by completing the donation form and returning it to The Cooper Foundation.

Ways your donations are helping our patients:

  • Art therapy and music therapy bring creative arts to patients at their bedside, providing them with an outlet to express their emotions.
  • Toys, books, and games for the Johnny M Playroom and Teen Lounge.
  • iPads for patients who are unable to leave their rooms.


  • Giving is easy! Deduct any amount from your paycheck one time or bi-weekly, write a check, or charge it. Your donation is 100 percent tax-deductible.
  • For more information visit


Please call 856.342.2222 or contact Susan Bass Levin at