Compassionate Communication: Skill Building for Care of Patients With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Cooper nurses, health care leaders, and front-line team members are invited to a one-day conference that will provide resources and tactics on how to provide compassionate care for patients with neurodevelopmental and developmental disabilities. Skill labs will focus on innovative delivery and will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to enhance their ability to connect, empathize, and respond effectively to the needs of patients, care partners, and patient advocates. Through a combination of interactive lectures, case studies, and hands-on role-playing exercises, this lab will explore various key elements of compassionate communication, such as active family listening, therapeutic communication techniques, and non-verbal cues. Participants will also learn strategies for managing their own emotional and physical wellbeing while caring for others in challenging situations. This session strives not only to improve participants’ technical skills, but also foster an understanding of the importance of compassion in health care settings. By promoting self-awareness and cultivating empathy among caregivers, this skill-building day ultimately seeks to create a more nurturing and patient-centered environment for patients with these disabilities.

Session Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to articulate moments of truth for communicating compassionately with our patients with neurodevelopmental and intellectual disabilities, as well as their care partners and advocates.
  • Attendees will be able to practice using sensory tools and communication devices to better engage and connect with patients who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Participants will understand the impact of, and take the necessary steps to create, a safe and healing care environment for themselves and their patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Continuing education units are available to nurses who participate in the conference.

Wednesday, May 24, 2024
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Double Tree Hotel
2349 Marlton Pike W
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Free parking is available, and breakfast and lunch will be provided.

To register for this event, click here.