Cooper Team Conducts Complex Awake Craniotomy to Remove Tumor

Last week, members of Cooper and Inspira Neuroscience and MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, led by neurosurgeon Navid Redjal, MD, FAANS, conducted a complex awake craniotomy (a type of brain surgery) to remove a cancerous tumor located near the patient’s critical speech area.

To ensure the patient did not lose the ability to speak, the team used advanced brain imaging, including functional MRI and DTI (diffusion tensor imaging), along with innovative neuronavigation. These tools allowed them to intraoperatively map specific areas of the brain, maximizing surgical resection while avoiding damage to critical speech pathways. Being awake during the procedure also enabled the patient to communicate directly with the surgical team.

This advanced procedure is being done more frequently at Cooper University Health Care. Led by Dr. Redjal, the dedicated team includes specialized anesthesiologist Paul Audu, MD, neuropsychologist Merin Campbell, PsyD, and skilled OR nurses. This precise surgical procedure results in highly effective tumor removal and positive patient outcomes.