RN Recruitment Focus: Currently running a 90 NURSES IN 90 DAYS CAMPAIGN to hire external RNs. As of today, we have hired 64 RNs through the efforts of this campaign. The campaign is running from February 21 – May …
Introducing New Cooper PowerPoint Templates March 27, 2018 To promote uniformity of presentations and brand consistency, we have developed new PowerPoint templates for Cooper that incorporate a modern, minimalist design. The new templates are in a 16:9 dimension format to …
Vote Now! U.S. News Best Hospitals Voting Open Through March 22 in Doximity Eligible board-certified physicians on Doximity.com have been invited to vote in this year’s U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals reputation survey. Voting closes on Thursday, …
—SLEEP! We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our “sleep health” remains an essential question throughout our lifespan. Most of us know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but few of …
Please remember to SIGN the POLST form in the appropriate location (see yellow highlighted are below) in addition to PRINTING your name when the form is printed prior to distribution. Please recheck any forms you may have already completed to …
Tip Sheet – Isolation Precautions and Hand Hygiene As we see an increase in the number of flu cases at Cooper, we have prepared a tip sheet to help you sort out the type of isolation and hand hygiene …
Annual PPD (TST) and Fit Testing Begins February 2, 2018 Cooper Team: The annual Tuberculin Screening Tests (TST, also called PPD) and Fit Testing process will begin Friday, February 2, 2018. To ensure compliance and to provide greater accessibility …
Currently there are a few areas of focus in the cafeteria that have not been advertised. One is that we are going to open the grill on week-ends from 12-6 pm (as a trial). Secondly we are in the process …
The “All site percentile” seen on the CGCAHPS scorecard provides a comparison against all practice locations for all health care organizations participating in the vendor’s benchmarking database (Press Ganey). In total, there are about 30,000 sites nation-wide that the CGCAHPS …