From an innovation to cool heart tissue during a heart attack to an overview of current work by health care providers in Camden, Rowan University and Cooper University Hospital staffs are learning more about each other’s research, interests and commitments thanks to a series of Medical School Research Seminars
As the two regional institutions begin to couple their cultures to create the first four-year medical school in South Jersey, the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University Research Committee is sponsoring Medical School Research Seminars on topics of interest to both communities, alternating speakers and locations to accommodate both staffs.
“This series is both a learning experience for Rowan and Cooper faculty and staff and a chance for them to explore mutual interests and possible collaborations while building relationships as we progress with the development of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University,” said Dr. Paul Katz, dean of the medical school.
Cooper University Hospital personnel are presenting their research in the Rowan Hall Auditorium from 5 to 6:15 p.m., and Rowan University faculty are presenting their work at Cooper Medical School, Dorrance 409 from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m.* The seminars are open to students, faculty and any other interested individuals.
Rowan’s Tom Merrill, Mechanical Engineering, kicked the series off in September when he discussed “A Chill to the Heart: Rapid Heart Cooling to Reduce Reperfusion Injury” and his work on the CoolGuide Catheter that he is developing at the South Jersey Technology Park. Cooper’s Lori Feldman-Winter followed in October with “Healthy Beginnings: The Practitioner’s Role in Breastfeeding.”
Media Coverage
This week, the Courier-Post published an article about a series of Medical School Research Seminars presented by Cooper and Rowan University that are open to students, faculty and the community. Cooper Medical School’s Research Committee is sponsoring the seminars on topics of interest to both communities; alternating speakers and locations to accommodate staffs of each institution.
“This series is both a learning experience for Rowan and Cooper faculty and staff and a chance for them to explore mutual interests and possible collaborations, while building relationships, as we progress with the development of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University,” said Paul Katz, MD, Founding Dean of the medical school.
To read the complete article and view upcoming seminars visit