September is Fall Prevention Awareness Month and fall prevention is for EVERYONE! The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) identifies that falls are the leading cause of non-fatal, unintentional injuries in children under the age of 9 and over the age of 24. Learn ways to keep yourself and your children safe!
Be SMART adults:
Safe home – decrease fall risk hazards
Medication – know what you take, why you take it, and side effects of medications
Activity – Exercise to increase balance, mobility, and strength
Routine – eye exams, hearing exams, and good nutrition
Talk to your healthcare provider – communicate concerns, discuss risks, & resources available
SPOT your children:
Secure children in high chairs, shopping carts, changing tables, strollers, etc.
Practice – assist children going up and down stairs, utilize sturdy, secure activity devices to help practice standing and walking
Outside – Utilize playgrounds with soft, shock absorbing surfaces such a rubber mulch, encourage safety on playground equipment
Teach – children and teens appropriate play behaviors to limit injuries.
Fall Prevention begins with you! Remember, be SMART adults and SPOT your children to stay safe!