Cooper to Host 2017 Security Summit

Cooper is proud to host the 9th Annual CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) Healthcare Information Security Summit at the CCBO office in Camden on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. The summit is attended by Information Security executives from around the country with more than 80 expected to attend this year.

Phil Curran, CIAO and CPO, representing Cooper as the host organization, will welcome guests and introduce  keynote presenter Don Kleopple, CISO of Cerner, a supplier of health information technology (HIT) solutions, services, devices, and hardware. Mr. Kleopple will present “Information Security: Focus on the Basics,” on how today’s information security challenges are not a technology problem. Some security organizations have lost their focus and have tried to buy their way out of security issues by focusing on technologies. This keynote will focus on the fundamentals of a strong security program.