Cooper Replacing Laptops, PCs System-Wide

We are pleased to announce that Cooper has begun a multi-phase initiative to replace laptops and PCs across the health system with brand new, updated versions complete with the Windows 10 platform.

The initiative is the first of an ongoing cycle of updates to ensure that Cooper team members have the most up-to-date technology to successfully complete their work.

There are three phases planned for the initial replacement of PCs and laptops:

Phase 1 – Sheridan Pavilion, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, and the Cooper Business Office (CBO) in Cherry Hill. This phase has already started and will be complete by the end of spring 2021.

Phase 2 – Dorrance Building, Kelemen Pavilion, Roberts Pavilion, and the E&R building. This phase will begin this summer and will be complete at the end of 2021.

Phase 3 – Ambulatory facilities, Voorhees locations, and the CCBO. This phase will take place throughout 2022.

Prior to work beginning in each location, Cooper’s IT team will provide education to managers/supervisors on how to prepare their staff for the updates.

Thank you for your cooperation while this important work is completed.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the IT Help Desk at 856.968.7166.