The Cooper ICU team is advocating for their patients and are initiating a new collaborative program through the Society of Critical Care Medicine called THRIVE. Every year, millions of Americans survive critical illness; but despite the efforts of their ICU, many are left with ongoing problems. The current health care system often does not meet the needs of these survivors, or their families, during their weeks to years of recovery. The goal of the THRIVE initiative is to improve patient and family support after critical illness.
One of the methods to support patients and families is to hold a brief informational session along with a peer (former ICU patients and family members) support group. As one of the busiest ICUs in the region that accepts patients from area hospitals, Cooper understands that emotional as well as physical healing is important in post-hospital recovery. Cooper has a multidisciplinary group that is engaged in helping patients and families recover after their ICU and beyond.
The first ICU Recovery Support Group meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
For more information about the ICU support group at Cooper please send an email to: