If it’s Wednesday, it’s Cooper’s Farm Stand Day

(from left) Frank Williams, Assistant Director, Medical Radiography; Mary Tartaglione, Coordinator Medical Radiography; Martina Harris, Director, Diagnostic Imaging; Fran Cassidy, Director, Food and Nutrition; and Kirsten Heininger, a student intern, Food and Nutrition

Every Wednesday, now through fall, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Cooper’s Farm Stand, on the corner of Haddon Avenue and Benson Street, is open to the Camden community and Cooper employees. The stand offers locally grown fruits and vegetables, locally made cheese, eggs and other nutritious foods from area farms.

In addition to the farm stand, Cooper hosts a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program with the Muth Family Organic Farm in Williamstown, N.J. The program enables employees to pay an annual membership fee to the farmer in return for a weekly share of the harvest during the local growing season. CSA’s guarantee farmers financial support to cover production costs of the farm – in many cases enabling local family farms to remain in business – while members receive a wide variety of foods harvested at their peak of freshness, ripeness and flavor.

This is Cooper’s fourth year hosting a CSA program and its second year operating an outdoor farm stand. Both programs reflect Cooper’s commitment to having wholesome, locally grown food available for the community, Cooper employees and patients

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