Nurses at Cooper Celebrate One Year Anniversary of Shared Governance Council Structure

Almost a year ago today, a team of 74 staff nurses, together with nursing leadership, set out to develop a new shared governance model at Cooper that allows direct care nurses the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process on all issues affecting the nursing profession including practice standards, policies and procedures, education and operation.

Final Beam Raised Into Place at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

The single largest construction project in the City of Camden this year took a significant step forward today when the final girder for Cooper Medical School of Rowan University’s (CMSRU) building was raised into place. In what is traditionally a major milestone in any construction project, the placing of the final beam was the highlight of a “topping off” ceremony.

Gripper Strips and New Patient Information Boards

New wall mounted white boards are being installed in each of the patient rooms at the foot of the bed. The installation began late February and will continue until all the patient rooms are completed. Additionally, gripper strips are being placed on patient doors and in patient rooms above the heads of the bed. The gripper strips are excellent places to post pertinent information regarding patient care and can be shared with all caregivers.

Managing Spring Allergies

A recent issue of American Profile published an article about how to manage spring allergies. About 40 million Americans have seasonal allergies, also called springtime allergies, and most are allergic to more than one thing.