Information Assurance Monthly

Don’t Be a Victim of Spam Email!

Spam emails are designed to attract your attention and have you perform an action such as clicking on a link or opening an attachment. Many companies have become victims of cyber criminals because employees receive an email and click the link or open the attachment only to allow unwanted activity such as a virus or spyware to enter the system. This “malware” can infect the company’s information system and often any email accounts in the employee’s contacts directory.

Please remember that malware that infects computers primarily comes from email. Emails may come with links to interesting websites or contain interesting attachments. However, both the links and the attachments may contain a virus embedded in the code. Please do not click on a link in an email and do not open an email attachment unless you are expecting the email or requested the email. If you open an email and see a request to type in a username password, immediately delete this email. Some examples of spam messages are listed below:

• Requests for money, person trapped in another country, sudden inheritance
• Purchases you did not make, delivery you did not expect
• Mailbox full
• Words misspelled, poor grammar, etc.
• Soliciting personal information
• Requests to change your password

If you have any questions about spam emails or are in doubt about the source of an email, please contact Information Assurance at

Remember: When in doubt, throw it out!

For more information, please contact Phil Curran at 856.536.1317 or email:

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