Fall Prevention Awareness Week, September 22 – 29, 2013

It is estimated that in the United States one third of seniors over the age of 65 and one half of seniors over the age of 80 will fall each year, resulting in medical costs exceeding $27 billion annually. Most falls are preventable.

To highlight fall hazards and increase awareness about how to prevent and reduce falls, New Jersey recognizes the first week of Fall — September 22-29, 2013 — as “Fall Prevention Awareness Week.”

The trauma education team has tips to prevent falls for all ages.

  • Falls can happen during recreational activities, sporting events, work-related activities, or as a result of the normal aging process.
  • Falls are the leading cause of death and injury in all age groups except the 15-24 age group and over $20 BILLION is spent every year on care for those that have fallen.
  • In those over the age of 65, one out of three will fall every year!
  • Traumatic brain injury and hip fractures are two of the leading injuries we see in those that fall, especially our senior citizens.
  • Please wear helmets while biking, rollerblading, and skateboarding or during sports that require a helmet.
  • Do be careful while on ladders or at work where climbing is necessary.
  • Be alert to medicines that put you at a greater risk for falling or an increase in the severity of injury if you do fall. (These may include medicines such as blood pressure medicines and blood thinners).

For additional information, contact our outreach staff at 856.342.3430.

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