Dr. Joshua P. Hazelton, Attending Surgeon with the Cooper Trauma Center, appeared on FOX 29’s Good Day Philadelphia program this morning to talk about “Stop the Bleed.”
“The first thing you want to do is direct pressure to the wound with gloves if you have gloves, of course, for safety. The next thing you want to do is get a tourniquet… what we want to do is get the tourniquet above the wound, between the wound and the heart. The idea is to stop the bleeding.”
“Death from the bleeding of a major artery can occur within minutes, even before first responders can respond,” said Brian Collins, EMS Outreach coordinator at Cooper, during Trauma Awareness Month in May. “Bleeding to death is preventable. With [Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con) program] training, countless lives will have a fighting chance at survival. Just as we save lives through CPR, we can save more lives by controlling severe bleeding.”
Learn more about Stop the Bleed training by clicking here.