Cooper Offers Free “Stop the Bleed” Training to Organizations and Groups
Would you know how to “Stop the Bleed” if your loved one had a deep laceration causing severe bleeding?
Cooper University Health Care’s EMS Outreach coordinators, in collaboration with the Cooper Trauma Department, will offer free Stop the Bleed training to community organizations, businesses, or agencies as part of a national initiative aimed at putting knowledge gained by first responders and the military into the hands of the public to help save lives during times of disaster.
“Death from the bleeding of a major artery can occur within minutes, even before first responders can respond,” said Brian Collins, EMS Outreach coordinator at Cooper University Health Care. “May is Trauma Awareness Month and the theme is to help others by taking action to control life-threatening hemorrhage. We are reaching out to groups to get as many people trained as possible.”
The Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con) program is a two-hour course that teaches non-clinical laypersons how to apply tourniquets, pack a wound, and open a victim’s airway.
“Bleeding to death is preventable,” said Collins. “With B-Con training, countless lives will have a fighting chance at survival. Just as we save lives through CPR, we can save more lives by controlling severe bleeding.”
If your organization, business, or agency would like to receive more information on the Stop the Bleed initiative through Cooper Trauma Center, please contact Brian Collins, EMS Outreach coordinator, at
Celebrating EMS Week – Inside Cooper
[…] Trauma Awareness Month: Stop the Bleed, Save a Life (EMS Outreach and Trauma Department collaboration) […]
Cooper Trauma Physician on Good Day Philadelphia to Talk About “Stop the Bleed” – Inside Cooper
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“Stop the Bleed” Training Offered at Cooper – Inside Cooper
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