Bite App Helps You to Save Money!

The Bite app is a rewards and loyalty program that allows employees to save money on purchases made at Cooper cafes in Voorhees, MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Sheridan Pavilion coffee kiosks, One Cooper Plaza coffee shop, and the Cooper Court Cafeteria.

Employees who use the Bite app will be able to scan a bar code on their cell phones to pay for purchases and earn rewards points. Participants will receive a $5 credit after their first two purchases of $5 or more, as well as receive points. The app will also show the Cooper Court Cafeteria menu, as well as nutritional information for the items served.

The Bite app is an additional benefit to employees that is completely separate from QuickCharge, an app that Cooper launched in October that allows employees to view transactions they’ve made using their Cooper ID badge.

Details about the new Bite app are available here.

(Lori’s Gift Shop and Cooper Solutions Center are not a part of this program.)