National Trauma Month: How Distracted Are You?

Illustration courtesy of Jesse Lefkowitz, IEEE Spectrum

Some say we are a distracted society. When you think of distractions, does your mind immediately go to phone use or to distracted driving? Have you ever considered distractions at work to be something that could be dangerous? Have you contemplated that you could be in danger because of distractions at home?

Distraction has been defined by language experts as “an object that directs one’s attention away from something else; mental confusion” or “something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.” Multitasking is also a form of distraction.

So, how distracted are you? What could be distracting you and putting you at risk for injury or death?

May is National Trauma Awareness Month and the 2020 theme is Distracted to Death: Pay Attention or Pay the Price. Travel, home/lifestyle, and Work are the three specific areas where distractions can lead to serious injury, disability or death. Follow us over the next three weeks to discover ways to keep you and your family safe from distractions.

During National Trauma Awareness Month, the American Trauma Society, the NJ Trauma Council Injury Prevention Coordinators and Safe Kids New Jersey remind you that #DistractionsCanBeDeadly. For more information visit:

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