National Breastfeeding Week

“Breastfeeding is best supported in ways that meet families where they are at. We know breastfeeding matters, and our goal is to empower and permit mothers and families to reach their own personal breastfeeding goals. This strategy involves the principles

Understanding COPD

COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a progressive disease found in the lungs that makes it difficult to breathe for patients suffering with it. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are included in COPD. COPD’s main feature is narrowed airways leading to …

Meet Your Cooper Bariatric Surgery Team

Your health is personal, and it’s understandable that you expect all your health care needs to be fulfilled with a personal touch. Fortunately, that’s exactly what you’ll find at Cooper University Health Care’s Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Center. Whether you’re …

Talking to Your Child About Vaping

teen vaping

We see it everywhere, kids vaping. Some do it for the thrill of rebelling against authority, while others are influenced by peers. Compact vaporizers, which look like flash drives, give teenagers the ability to easily hide their e-cigarettes and take …