By Melvin R. Pratter, MD, FCCP, FACP
- “I just don’t think I can take care of the grandchildren for you honey. I get too short of breath.”
- “I will wait in the car while you shop. I will just slow you down.”
- “I used to enjoy taking the train into Philadelphia, but now it is just too hard walking up those stairs.”
These are just a few examples of how people limit their activities because of breathing difficulty.
The medical term for abnormal shortness of breath is dyspnea, which is an unpleasant sensation of difficulty breathing. Although it is one of the most common reasons people go to their doctors, many individuals delay seeking help for months or even years until it becomes too bad to ignore. For many people, typical excuses for delaying treatment include a belief that the condition is primarily caused by their advanced age, a need to lose weight or a lack of exercise.
While the above explanations are sometimes contributing factors, far too often there is a significant medical problem causing the shortness of breath. As a lung specialist and the head of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cooper University Hospital, I have seen thousands of people with shortness of breath. In addition, my colleagues and I have conducted two major research studies to determine the causes of shortness of breath and the most efficient way to figure out the cause.
What we have found is that the reason someone is experiencing shortness of breath can almost always be determined using a few simple, safe tests. Of course, occasionally the cause (or causes) is quite complicated and a more complex evaluation is needed, but the majority of patients can be diagnosed in an outpatient setting.
The good news is that not only can the cause almost always be found, but for the majority of people suffering with this distressing problem, it can be substantially improved or eliminated with the proper treatment. What this means is that if you are having a problem with shortness of breath, you should seriously consider consulting your doctor. An answer as to why it is happening can be determined and effective therapy is often available to help greatly improve your quality of life.
Furthermore, if your condition is caused by an underlying disorder that is not being properly treated, ignoring it can lead to even more serious problems that could have been avoided.
Breathing is an essential part of everyone’s lives. If you are having difficulty, don’t ignore it any longer. You may be able to improve the quality and even the length of your life by taking the first step and going to see your doctor.