Two weeks ago, Cooper University Hospital sponsored a contest for the most creative stories, strategies or tips from readers on how they minimize their holiday stress. The three winners were notified on Friday, December 11, 2009, and each received a $25 Target Gift Card.
The following excerpts were taken from each individual’s story:
“My best tip to handle holiday stress is to organize. I will start my 2010 holiday shopping on December 26, 2009, picking up wrapping paper, cards, bows and other assorted items at huge discounts — sometimes up to 75% off. And, don’t forget to buy extra, solid color wrapping paper and gifts bags in such colors as white, red, gold and sliver. These can be used throughout the entire year for all occasions.”
“The holiday season and the stress that accompanies this joyous time of the year is unavoidable for most working women. It’s even worse for those of us with children. I have found the easiest way to de-stress and relax at this time of year is to just sit down for a few minutes each day and think about NOTHING! Sometimes I will do this at work by simply closing my door, turning off the lights and resting my eyes for 10-15 minutes.”
“Stay home on Black Friday. It’s just not worth the early wake-up, crazed shoppers driving like maniacs, long lines and grumpy shoppers who did not get what they came to the store for. Instead, shop online. It’s easy to find bargains, compare deals and have the gifts wrapped and shipped to your house in a timely matter.”
Cooper would like to thank all of the individuals who submitted their stories to us online and extend congratulations to our contest winners.
If you are interested in medical advice on how to prevent or decrease holiday angst, recognize depression, or get through the holidays while suffering from a chronic illness, visit our website at or contact 1.800.8.Cooper.